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You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

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Page name
First name of the author of the GNU Manifesto

Revision 8 as of 2007-04-09 20:42:36



1. Basic Architecture

Using the shared filesystem involves a combination of Kerberos and OpenAFS.

2. File conventions

The /afs tree contains shared filesystems. /afs/hcoop.net (symlinked from /afs/hcoop as well) is our piece of the AFS-o-sphere. Subdirectories include:

3. Connecting to AFS from an HCoop server

I found this handy summary of the commands that must be run:

On our servers, it seems sufficient to run: