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Revision 14 as of 2012-12-30 23:02:22

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DaemonAdmin / Portal

1. Source

The portal source lives in module portal of our git server. The main check-out is in /afs/hcoop.net/user/h/hc/hcoop/portal.

2. Building

Run become_hcoop before modifying files in the main check-out or running any git commands that would modify it.

To build it yourself:

header.mlt and footer.mlt are built from assorted other files. Running make in a check-out directory should build them. See the Makefile for how they're built. Note that make won't publish changes that you make onto the real web sites; you must use mlt for that.

Needed files for building:

2.1. Application Within the Portal

There are some subdirectories of portal that contain different web apps, like app (the source for join.hcoop.net). You must run mlt separately in any of these directories to publish changes in it. These include:

3. Adding Machine

To support user requests for a machine, insert a WebNode into the database. The Debian version should be the release name (e.g. "squeeze").

INSERT INTO WebNode (id, name, descr, debian)
        VALUES ((select max(id)+1 from WebNode), $HOST, $DESCRIPTION, $DEBIANVERSION);
