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DaemonAdmin / PostgreSQL

See MySQL for list of things that have to be done for any database (both MySQL and Postgres).

1. Postgres-specific setup

  1. $dir = /afs/hcoop.net/common/databases/USERNAME/postgres

If $dir does NOT exist:

  1. sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER USERNAME" template1

  2. mkdir -p $dir
  3. chown postgres:postgres "$dir"
  4. fs setacl -dir $dir -acl postgres write
  5. fs setacl -dir $dir -acl databases none # (keep out other databases, just in case)
  6. fs setacl -dir $dir -acl system:backup rl # (should be inherited from parent dir)
  7. sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE TABLESPACE user_USERNAME OWNER USERNAME LOCATION '$dir'" template1

When it does, go directly to database creation step:

  1. sudo -u postgres createdb -O USERNAME -D user_USERNAME DBNAME` ) {

  2. $dir = /afs/hcoop.net/common/databases/USERNAME/postgres/DBNAME

  3. chown -R postgres:postgres "$dir"
  4. chmod -R 0700 "$dir"
  5. fs setacl -dir $dir/DBNAME/ -acl postgres all