
Initial scratch notes on getting kvm working on fritz. This will need to be integrated into SetupNewMachines and AdminArea after everything is working.

See for the gist of what ClintonEbadi is trying to do here, but s/OpenVZ/KVM via libvirt/g.

1. Tasks

(./) = done, {o} = not done, <!> = possibly done, awaiting verification, {X} = gave up or died trying

Other tasks, lower priority:

2. Bog Initial Setup Notes

The preseed in theory is enough to have a user node; the admin config package restricts logins. A few open questions:

Check preseed for installation of admin node specific packages and move to navajos postinst. We need some preseed templating system eventually, but for now...

Automatic re-installability is officially a low priority for this release cycle... so don't worry about post-installing or preseeding the various packages a fully featured user node needs (db clients, perl, etc.).

3. Packages Config

This, and other information, should be merged into a general description of our infrastructure and how it differs from a stock Debian installation.

Things not mentioned on SetupNewMachines that had to have their default debconf values changed.

4. Major Open issues

This, and other things, should be merged into a "Undecided Infrastructure Issues" document, so that folks don't make the mistake that "the path of least resistance" is how we wanted to do things.

4.1. fwtool

Making FirewallRules support all of the needed functionality for a user machine is proving difficult

Conclusion: the current fwtool implementation would require duplicating a lot of functionality already present in the support machinery for the domtool domain type. A new syntax for user rule files would need to be created (or tons of hackish supporting code) so ...

The only (in)sane way forward is to create a domtool node type and firewall plugin to manage rules. This has distinct advantages:

And a few distinct disadvantages:

Interim solution:

Getting a user shell machine online is slightly less important than shifting cgi hosting off of mire (load average is usually high, software is outdated). Users can live with for another month logging into an etch system but running their php and whatnot on a new machine... Therefore:

This will force codification of the open ports for the web server machine, and will be easy to undo when domtool support is in place. A slightly hacked together FirewallRules may need to be used for the user node (time, what is time?) -- but a restrictive firewall must be used (it's impossible to implement one on a box that didn't have one before with breaking things). Unfortunately, without SELinux, we can't restrict what ports members listen on, so input firewall rules will be less useful than they could be for now.

CategorySystemAdministration CategoryWorkInProgress

FritzVirtualization (last edited 2012-12-30 22:03:50 by ClintonEbadi)