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This page is not intended as an "official HCoop policy or position." Rather, it is an attempt by some of the members to call attention to issues of how our language reflects and reproduces gender norms that exist in our society. In addition, since some members disagree with the notes in this page, dissenters may voice their opinions on this page as well.

1. Gender-Neutral Language

For many in the Cooperative, language is not merely a tool that we use, but one which reproduces the structures of power in our society. Gender inequality, as one of these social forms of power, is also reproduced through language. Because of this, many members of the Cooperative feel strongly that we consider carefully how gender bias creeps into our everyday languages, including the communication between members of the Cooperative and externally.

1.1. Tips on Writing in a Gender-Neutral Style

Generally, many of the arguments for gender-neutral language have led those who advocate its use to prefer gender-neutral instead of gender-specific pronouns when discussing a person whose gender is unknown, when the person prefers to not categorize themself as belonging to a specific gender, or when a party is of mixed gender. See the wikipedia article below for more information.

For example, in the English language, many who try to write in a gender-neutral manner prefer the use of "their" instead of "his" or "her". Despite claims of some that this is gramatically "wrong", sites listed in the references section of this document point out that this usage of "their" has a long history that precedes many of the political reasons for the use of the term today.

Recently, writers in the English language have tried to make their writing more gender-neutral by such techniques as alternating the use of "she" and "he" in their texts. However, for many who would prefer to work against the strictly divided gender roles that have been predominant in our culture, the usage of "their" is preferred. This may be more comfortable to some who feel marginalized by the construction of discrete categories of gender that exist in our society, e.g. transgender individuals.

It should also be noted that the exclusive use of "his", while occasionally said to be "gender-neutral", is really not. Those critical of grammatical constructs such as using "his" exclusively say that by naturalizing this, and making it seem like it's exclusive use is gender-neutral, we are actually legitimizing a linguistic construct that reproduces unequal social structures. Therefore, we should be particularly careful to avoid suggesting that exclusively using a term like "his" has any kind of "transcendental" value or neutrality tied to it.

1.2. Arguments Against Gender-Neutral Language

Some members have expressed that they disagreed with elements on this page. This section attempts to articulate these points where people disagree with gender-neutral language in general, or some of the ways that implementation of gender-neutral language have been suggested.

1.3. Historical versions of this page

Previous comments from this page have been archived at the page HistoricalGenderNeutralLanguage for clarity of the ideas presented on this section of the site.