Before proceeding with the AutomatedSystemInstall new nodes must be added to HCoop's infrastructure.

4. Network

After deciding on the host name through a poll of the members:

  1. Allocate an addresses from the free list on IpAddresses (and update the page!)

  2. Using the peer1 request portal, add a reverse dns mapping to the hostname
    • You cannot install the machine until the reverse dns mapping has been created; various services rely on the rdns mapping to behave correctly.
  3. Add basic node information to DomTool config

    1. Edit /afs/hcoop.net/common/etc/domtool/lib/hcoop.dtl and add definitions for HOSTNAME_ip, HOSTNAME_private_ip, and HOSTNAME_ipv6

    2. Edit /afs/hcoop.net/user/h/hc/hcoop/.domtool/hcoop.net to add a DNS entry for $HOST.hcoop.net, using HOSTNAME_ip for the A record and HOSTNAME_ipv6 for the AAAA record; and $HOST-private.hcoop.net using HOSTNAME_private_ip.

    3. Apply DomTool configuration (run DOMTOOL_USER=hcoop domtool hcoop.net)

    4. Synchronize DomTool library with source code git repository

5. Documentation

Create a ServerHOST page and add the machine to the Hardware page. KernelVirtualMachines go into a sub-section of their current physical node. Note any relevant information such as the resources available for the node, intended purpose, etc.

Make sure the machine is listed on the IpAddresses page.

After install, update the server notes with any quirks of the install (ideally: none, but reality is a work in progress).

6. Add to Infrastructure

6.1. Kerberos

Add the server key to Kerberos. At the kadmin console ($SERVER is the fully qualified domain name):

add_principal -randkey host/$SERVER@HCOOP.NET

Update create-user to synchronize keytabs to the new node if applicable.

6.2. Puppet

TODO: Create full page on Puppet

Create class hcoop::server::$SERVER and include service classes required for the server (see existing servers for examples).

Add node '$SERVER' { include ::hcoop::server::$SERVER } to manifests/site.pp on master.

After server is installed, set up puppet:

6.3. Mail

Enable mail routing by adding to exim configuration on the mail server (unless Bug 939 has been fixed, in which case update this documentation with the domtool managed procedure). In the exim config directory:

6.4. Portal

Create WebNode for portal according to DaemonAdmin/Portal so that users may request packages, firewall rules, etc.

6.5. Domtool

To control the node with DomTool minimally:

If you are configuring the node for a specific purpose, you'll need to add it to more configuration. See the DomTool documentation where it exists.

Prepare DomTool for deployment: DomTool/Installation.
