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MemberManual / TransferringFiles / OpenAFS / Debian

This is the chapter of the MemberManual that describes how to install and configure OpenAFS Client on Debian based systems. These instructions were adapted from HCoop user bpt's instructions.


OpenAFS Client Installation

sudo aptitude install openafs-client

Answer the configuration questions as follows:

Kernel Module Installation

OpenAFS requires a kernel module, and Debian does not provide third-party kernel modules as binary packages. Module-assistant can download, compile, and install kernel modules for you. Install that, then install the OpenAFS module:

sudo aptitude install module-assistant
sudo module-assistant prepare
sudo module-assistant install openafs-modules

OpenAFS's cache is located at /var/cache/openafs, and it must be on an ext2 or ext3 filesystem. If /var/cache is not on an ext2 or ext3 filesystem, you'll need to mount an ext2 or ext3 filesystem at /var/cache/openafs. OpenAFS cache does not work well, if at all, on ReiserFS systems.

Restart OpenAFS:

sudo /etc/init.d/openafs-client restart

Now you should be able to see files in /afs/hcoop.net, but you won't have any AFS tokens. So let's install some Kerberos packages.

Kerberos Installation

sudo aptitude install openafs-krb5 krb5-user

The default Kerberos version 5 realm can be HCOOP.NET, and deleuze.hcoop.net will be both the Kerberos server for your realm and the administrative server for your realm.

Default Kerberos version 5 realm: HCOOP.NET Kerberos servers for your realm: deleuze.hcoop.net Administrative server for your Kerberos realm: deleuze.hcoop.net

Using AFS

Typically, to gain access to your HCoop AFS share, do the following on your local system:

kinit user

You may have to use the following if you did not set the default Kerberos 5 realm to HCOOP.NET and the default AFS cell to hcoop.net:

kinit user@HCOOP.NET
aklog -c hcoop.net

Be sure that the openafs module is loaded or there will be errors. The tickets gained will last up to 10 hours but can be renewed with krenew for up to 8 days. Here's a common use:

krenew -K 30 -t

See the krenew man page to learn what these options are doing.