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MemberManual / VersionControl / git

This page describes the ways in which we use git at HCoop.


git packages

We try to keep up-to-date on the latest git releases, so that you don't have to compile your own binaries for git. The packages are stored at /afs/hcoop.net/common/debian/git/.

System-wide git

We have set up a gitweb repository at [http://git.hcoop.net/]. We also have a git daemon, which can be used to quickly retrieve a project. People can host projects there simply by adding bare repositories under their ~/.hcoop-git/ directory. This directory can be a hierarchy if you want to categorize your projects.

Getting started

First, you will want to make a ~/.hcoop-git directory. When you do, the gitweb interface and the git daemon will pick it up automatically.

mkdir ~/.hcoop-git
fs sa ~/.hcoop-git system:anyuser read

Making projects available

It is recommended that you put "bare git repositories" under ~/.hcoop-git. Bare git repositories are the .git directories within a git project. If you want to keep a copy of the working directory elsewhere, then do the following. PROJECT is the name of your project. WORKDIR is the location of your working directory.

ln -s WORKDIR/.git ~/.hcoop-git/PROJECT.git

When you have directories of bare git projects being served by gitweb, it is the convention to name them in this fasion: that is, the name of the project, followed by ".git".