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Full Text Search: "linkto:"NavajosBogMigrationGuide""

Results 1 - 2 of 2 results out of about 5858 pages. (1.19 seconds)

MemberManual/MigrationGuide . . . 1 match
...ration to Peer1 in 2006. For information on migrating to Navajos and Bog, see NavajosBogMigrationGuide instead. }}} This page describes the steps that members using the old machin...

9.4k - rev: 114 (current) last modified: 2012-12-17 21:12:48

FritzVirtualization . . . 1 match
...ClintonEbadi is trying to do here, but `s/OpenVZ/KVM via libvirt/g`. And see NavajosBogMigrationGuide for actually using this stuff. === Tasks === (./) = done, {o} = not done, <...

5.4k - rev: 75 (current) last modified: 2013-01-28 07:21:09