here's the final procedure you should follow (for installing service "SERVICE" (mysql) on host "HOST" (deleuze)): 1. create local user SERVICE in /etc/passwd: * (usually already done by Debian postinst scripts in form of "adduser --system SERVICE". (--system ensures that the assigned ID is in range 100 < ID < 1000 .)) 2. create Kerberos principal: {{{ kadmin.local -q "addprinc -policy service -randkey SERVICE/HOST" }}} 3. export user's keys to /etc/keytabs/SERVICE.HOST: {{{ kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k /etc/keytabs/SERVICE.HOST SERVICE/HOST" }}} 4. create OpenAFS user SERVICE.HOST * (You must make sure that the UID chosen in AFS is above 1000. You can't use UIDs <1000 because those are reserved for local system's IDs, and so such uids in AFS would mess up reported Unix ownership of files). {{{ pts cu }}} 5. create OpenAFS group "SERVICE" if it doesn't exist, and add SERVICE.HOST to it: {{{ pts cg SERVICE pts ad SERVICE.HOST SERVICE }}} 6. modify service's init script in /etc/init.d/ in the following way: * Change shell at the top of script to "#!/usr/bin/pagsh.openafs" * Change start-stop-daemon invocation in action 'start': {{{ start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $PIDFILE \ -c SERVICE:SERVICE \ --exec /usr/bin/k5start -- -U -b -f /etc/keytabs/SERVICE.`hostname` \ -K 300 -t -p $PIDFILE \ }}} * Or if the service does not use start-stop-daemon itself, you still use it in action 'start' to run k5start on a line before and later in 'stop' to close it: * (start): {{{ start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/SERVICE/ \ -c SERVICE:SERVICE \ --exec /usr/bin/k5start -- -U -b -K 300 -t -p /var/run/SERVICE/ \ -f /etc/keytabs/SERVICE.`hostname` sleep 2 }}} * (stop): {{{ start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile /var/run/SERVICE/ rm -f /var/run/SERVICE/ }}} 7. You give permissions in AFS space to group "SERVICE", or to user "SERVICE.HOST" if specific instance is important. (Mostly, you just add permissions to "SERVICE").