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This page describes how to run your own apache HTTP daemon, for example if you have special needs regarding apache modules etc.


I have an apache instance with mod_python running for http://www.siebengang.net/ .

1. Apache setup and startup

Get a working apache/mod_python installation (in your home dir), and set up a startup procedure, so that cron starts your daemon when mire reboots. Take a cron job like

@reboot   run-in-pagsh --fg ~/apache2/bin/apachectl start

as a starting point.

1.1. Port issues

Your httpd must be configured so that it listens on a dedicated port, the standard port 80 won't work. There used to be a hcoop procedure to get access to a free port.

Right. On Fyodor, we used to have a firewall setup where it was necessary to request a port for yourself so you can bind to it.

We *currently* do not have this restriction on Mire, but plans for re-using the same firewall setup we had are underway.

So please use the Members Portal to submit a Port request on page https://members.hcoop.net/portal/ip , so that when we enable the firewall and binding restrictions, we automatically leave the ports open for you.

I got 8880 (and 8881 for another httpd) and have this in my httpd.conf:

Listen 8880

1.2. mod_python specials

I just discovered the following lines in my httpd.conf, too. I think they are necessary for mod_python to function properly (my mod_python and some more modules are installed in ~/python/mod_python):

<IfModule mod_python.c>
    PythonPath "sys.path + ['/afs/hcoop.net/user/b/be/beni/python']"

2. domtool config

Next you need "port forwarding" of http requests for your domain to your own httpd (so that you don't need to use addresses like http://www.siebengang.net:8880/index.html, but http://www.siebengang.net/index.html gets "mapped" to port 8880). In the domtool setup for me this looks like

domain "siebengang.net" with
  (* NS/DNS/Mail stuff omitted *)
    web "www" with
    proxyPass "/" "http://localhost:8880/";
    proxyPassReverse "/" "http://localhost:8880/";

That should be about all you need...

3. AFS problem

You may be interested in an AFS related problem I have encountered and not been able to solve yet: https://bugzilla.hcoop.net/show_bug.cgi?id=291