Daemons shared by members

1. Off-site file back-up services

1.1. Questions to be resolved

2. DNS

2.1. Decisions that we've agreed on

Update: Scrap that! We're using BIND on Main and Dynamic, since it's so much better supported throughout the 'net, makes master/slave configurations easier, etc.. In the future, we want to expand to include a tertiary DNS server in a different geographic location and on an entirely different network.

2.2. Questions to be resolved

  1. How do we arrange redundant DNS infrastructure?

JustinLeitgeb says:

2.3. References to how we do things now

DnsConfiguration, DomainRegistration

3. FTP

3.1. Decisions that we've agreed on

3.2. References to how we do things now

FtpConfiguration, FileTransfer


4.1. Decisions that we've agreed on

4.2. Questions to be resolved

  1. Do we completely separate adminstrative web sites from the rest, or do we allow any member static web site to be served by Main?

    DavorOcelic says:

    • Well. I think we don't have many administrative web sites (nor the ones we have are used heavy enough) to justify complete separation. It should be OK to run static web sites from Main, I believe. We could create default web spaces for users, like ~/public_html/ served from Dynamic, and ~/static_html/ served from Main, or something like that. (Please give more input on this).
      • I think it would better to have a domtool directive that chose which machine the site was served on (e.g. ServedOn static|dynamic) and then let members choose how to lay out their own directories. -- ClintonEbadi

4.3. References to how we do things now

UserWebsites, DynamicWebSites, VirtualHostConfiguration


5.1. Decisions that we've agreed on

5.2. Questions to be resolved

  1. Do we keep using Courier IMAP or do we switch to something like Cyrus?

5.3. References to how we do things now

UsingEmail, EmailConfiguration

6. Jabber

6.1. Decisions that we've agreed on

6.2. Questions to be resolved

6.3. References to how we do things now


7. Mailing lists

7.1. Decisions that we've agreed on

7.2. Questions to be resolved

  1. How/where do we store mailing list data so that it is appropriately charged towards a member's storage quota?

7.3. References to how we do things now


8. Relational database servers

8.1. Decisions that we've agreed on

8.2. Questions to be resolved

  1. Are we satisfied with the latest versions from Debian stable, or do we want to do something special?
  2. Do remote PostgreSQL authentication (from Dynamic, etc.) via the ident method? DavorOcelic thinks it's OK.

8.3. References to how we do things now



9.1. Decisions that we've agreed on

9.2. Questions to be resolved

  1. Run secondary MX on Dynamic or elsewhere?

9.3. References to how we do things now

UsingEmail, EmailConfiguration

10. Spam detection

10.1. Decisions that we've agreed on

10.2. References to how we do things now

UsingEmail, SpamAssassin, FeedingSpamAssassin, SpamAssassinAdmin

11. SSH

11.1. Decisions that we've agreed on

11.2. References to how we do things now


12. SIP Redirection