
TODO: Write a create-admin-user script that does this all automatically (add it to the scripts git repo)

1. Adding new admins

Currently, we do it this way:


 - cd /afs/
 - ./create-user NAME_admin
 - pts adduser NAME_admin system:administrators
 - bos adduser gibran NAME_admin
 - bos adduser lovelace NAME_admin

Then, update the hcoop-[admin-]-common-config package to include user in sudoers.

Additionally, grant MitKerberos administrative permissions as needed.

1.1. Puppet

A puppet environment needs to be added. The new admin has to be added to the admin users variable in puppet, which *should* add sudoers and login.restrict entries as needed. IIRC all that is needed is:

1.2. Domtool


AddingNewAdmins (last edited 2022-02-17 01:17:50 by StephenMichel)