Users and tokens

Every HCoop user "owns" a Kerberos principal and AFS PTS entry named after their username. This "account" is intended to be used only interactively (people using it).

For each, there's also another principal named "$USER/daemon" in Kerberos (and "$USER.daemon" in AFS). This principal's key is exported into file /etc/keytabs/user.daemon/$USER on all relevant machines and is chown-ed to the user's Unix account. This allows users' batch/noninteractive scripts to authenticate to Krb/AFS using password from a file.

This also allow for more fine-grained control as permissions need to be explicitly granted to $USER.daemon in order to do anything with the data. So even if the service running under certain Unix user (or root!) is compromised, the attacker's choice of action will be minimal.

Furthermore, user tickets and tokens expire periodically. One has to either invoke kinit/aklog again, or set up tools such as k5start to perform automatic renewal.