Being an HCoop board member is not a particularly intense task, but the tasks performed are essential to the operation of HCoop. This page is incomplete, but should provide an overview of the tasks a board member is expected to perform. == General Duties == * Approving new members as they apply * Voting on purging of members with negative balances * Setting general HCoop policies * Meeting four times a year to discuss financial situation, plans, etc. * Authorize purchases Traditionally the BoardOfDirectors has been involved in technical decisions; this is mostly an artifact of the folks writing code and performing maintenance usually ending volunteered into taking board positions as well. Additionally, there are three officers who perform additional duties. == Officers == === President === * Alternatively: cat herder in chief * Supposed to be the mean person who makes sure everyone stays on track === Secretary === * Maintains meeting minutes and elections results * Files IRS and RegisteredAgent forms yearly === Treasurer === * See TreasurerInstructions * Processes payments * Creates new user accounts after receiving initial payment ---- CategoryBoardOfDirectors