== Migrating Mailman Between Servers == 0. Copy `/etc/mailman` to new server * Might just need `mm_cfg.py` and `vhosts_cfg.py` 0. Copy `/etc/exim4/mailmandb` to new server 0. Stop mailman to prevent messages from being delivered while copying data: `service mailman stop` 0. Copy `/var/lib/mailman` to new server 0. In `/etc/exim4/conf.d/main/01_exim4-config_listmacrosdef` on: * the new mailman host: unset `HCOOP_MAILMAN_RELAY_HOST` * all other mail servers: set `HCOOP_MAILMAN_RELAY_HOST` to the new mailman host 0. Start mailman on new server: `service mailman start` 0. Reload exim, and everything ought to work DomTool also needs some settings updated. === Individual Lists === Not entirely sure, but [[https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2016-October/081482.html|an old post on mailman-users]] might have some insight. ---- CategoryNeedsWork