Adding users

When a new UNIX user is added who should have DomTool access, run:

domtool-adduser $USER

This does a few things:

  1. Creates a $DOMTOOL/keys/$USER directory if it doesn't already exist, setting its ownership to domtool.domtool and granting $USER read permissions on it. The AFS permissions inherited from $DOMTOOL/keys already prevent other users from peeking at keys stored in this directory.

  2. Use openssl req to generate (to file $DOMTOOL/keys/$USER/key.pem) a new RSA key for purposes of $USER's interactions with DomTool. The only fields given values on this key are:

    • Common name: Set to $USER

    • E-mail address: Set to $

  3. Use openssl ca to sign the key with the DomTool certificate authority. The result is a certificate file in $DOMTOOL/certs/$USER.pem, owned by domtool.domtool.

  4. Grant some standard DomTool permissions to the user:

    • user $USER

    • group $USER

    • path /afs/$USERPATH

All of these actions should be idempotent. That is, running domtool-adduser repeatedly with the same argument should work just fine. The only consequence that might bother perfectionists is that our certificate authority will issue a new certificate each time with a new serial number, incrementing the saved serial number count. It should also be safe to re-run domtool-adduser after a previous invocation failed halfway through.

Sometimes you only want to run the SSL-related commands or the DomTool permission-related commands. For those cases, run domtool-addcert $USER or domtool-addacl $USER.