Client/server model

Here's the anatomy of the handling of a user's configuration request.

  1. A user writes his domain configuration in the form of source code in the DomTool language. (See DomTool/LanguageReference.) The file can have any name. Ideally it is stored at the top level of the .domtool subdirectory of the user's AFS volume, as otherwise the corresponding configuration will be dropped if an admin triggers a regeneration.

  2. The user runs domtool $FILENAME.

  3. domtool parses and type-checks $FILENAME. The DomTool language and its type system are designed to have the lovely property that type-checking implies proper adherence to access rights and general good citizenship. This means that users can check their configuration for acceptability locally, not taking up shared daemons' time until after validation.

  4. The user opens an SSL connection to our DomTool dispatcher on, port 1234.

    1. The dispatcher authenticates the user by way of his SSL certificate, and the user does the same for the dispatcher. This relies on the fact that only the user has permissions to read his key file in AFS.
  5. The user sends the text of his configuration program to the dispatcher.
  6. The dispatcher again parses and type-checks the program. If any errors arise, the dispatcher informs the user of this and terminates the session.
  7. Otherwise, the dispatcher runs the program.
    1. A DomTool program is a purely functional expression that evaluates into a description of actions to be taken. Running the program involves executing these actions, which generally add new files to a temporary directory tree (which we'll call $TMP here) representing configuration. The roots of $TMP are HCoop server names like deleuze and mire. Each server's subdirectory contains configuration specific to its daemons. Each subdirectory has a tree structure mirroring the structure of Internet domain names. For instance, $TMP/mire/net/hcoop stores configuration related to on mire's daemons. Only domains that have been configured during this session will be present in any of these trees. This is part of a critical optimization to avoid reprocessing all configuration on every change.

    2. Once the configuration program has been run, it's time to propagate the changes into the real world. The first step of doing this is to copy the modified domains from $TMP into the permanent configuration tree, located at $DOMTOOL/nodes. Not only are new/changed configuration files propagated, but old configuration files not present in $TMP are deleted from $DOMTOOL/nodes. Crucially for performance, parts of $DOMTOOL/nodes for domains not configured during this session are not examined or changed.

    3. Now all the relevant configuration is in AFS and accessible to all HCoop servers. What remains is to publish it into the real daemons. The different DomTool plugins register handlers for different filenames that might be found in $DOMTOOL/nodes. For instance, the Apache plugin asks to be notified of changes to files ending in .vhost. This handler copies these files to /var/domtool/vhosts. The Apache plugin also registers a post-handler to copy all files from /var/domtool/vhosts to /etc/apache/vhosts and reload Apache configuration after any .vhost file has changed.

      1. For all files in $DOMTOOL/nodes/deleuze whose status changed on this invocation, the dispatcher itself runs the matching handlers.

      2. For configuration in $DOMTOOL/nodes/$NODE for other values of $NODE, the dispatcher opens an SSL connection to a slave daemon on $NODE on port 1235.

        1. Two-way SSL authentication proceeds in the same way as for user-dispatcher connections.
        2. The slave server runs the appropriate file handlers locally.
  8. Weather permitting, the dispatcher informs the user that the configuration has succeeded, and the session ends.