
As is more and more the fashion lately, DomTool supports many tweakable configuration variables, and the particular settings of those variables are conveyed via program source code. In particular, the various pieces of the DomTool implementation look for configuration in different members of a Config module in an SML source file config.sml in the domtool2 base directory. When building the standalone tools with MLton, these configuration settings will be inlined into the places where they're used in the resulting binary, possibly triggering opportunities for further optimization. Isn't compilation technology wonderful?

Any particular installation of DomTool is unlikely to want to set custom values for all or even most of the available variables. Thus, the implementation takes modest advantage of SML's module system to allow inheritance of default settings via the open declaration, while maintaining the possibility for piecemeal setting of custom values.

DomTool involves a number of distinct plugins and sources of functionality, all of which have some configuration parameters. The implementation uses Makefile-driven concatenation of files following a certain convention to build the overall default configuration module from files associated with the separate plugins. In particular, in domtool2/configDefault, you will find a set of .cfg, .cfs, and .csg files. All the .cfs files are concatenated together to form the definition of the signature CONFIG, while .csg files are concatenated together to form supporting definitions of sub-signatures. The .cfg files are concatenated together to form the definition of a structure ConfigDefault ascribing opaquely to CONFIG. Your custom configuration structure Config also ascribes to CONFIG and may open ConfigDefault.