To deploy DomTool on a new HCoop machine: * Install these Debian packages: `mlton libssl-dev libpcre3-dev` * Change to an appropriate directory for your personal check-out of the `domtool2` CVS repo and run: {{{ cvs -d$ co domtool2 cd domtool2 }}} * Run: {{{ make }}} * It will fail at the very end because a shared library hasn't been installed yet. Run: {{{ sudo make install rm elisp/domtool-tables.el make sudo make install }}} * To make everyone's Emacs autoload domtool-mode by default, put this in `/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/default.el`: {{{ (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/domtool-mode") (require 'domtool-mode-startup) }}} * Add a local `domtool` user: {{{ sudo useradd -d /afs/ -s /bin/false domtool }}} * Make Domtool's scratch directory: {{{ sudo mkdir /var/domtool sudo chown domtool.domtool /var/domtool }}} * Create Domtool's log file and set the right permissions on it: {{{ sudo touch /var/log/domtool.log sudo chown domtool.domtool /var/log/domtool.log }}} * Create an SSL certificate and key to stand for the new machine's Domtool server. Where `$HOST` is the default hostname the machine gives for itself, run this on deleuze. When prompted for field values, only enter a common name (`$HOST`) and e-mail address (``). {{{ openssl genrsa -out serverkey.pem openssl req -new -key serverkey.pem -out newreq.pem -days 365 cat newreq.pem serverkey.pem > new.pem openssl ca -config /etc/domtool/openssl.cnf -policy policy_anything -out servercert.pem -infiles new.pem }}} * Copy the certificate and key into the right places: {{{ mkdir ~domtool/keys/$HOST cp serverkey.pem ~domtool/keys/$HOST/key.pem cp servercert.pem ~domtool/certs/$HOST.pem }}} * Try starting the slave server: {{{ sudo /etc/init.d/domtool-slave start }}}