To deploy DomTool on a new HCoop machine: * Install these Debian packages: `mlton libssl-dev libpcre3-dev rsync` * Change to an appropriate directory for your personal check-out of the `domtool2` CVS repo and run: {{{ cvs -d$ co domtool2 cd domtool2 }}} * Run: {{{ make }}} * It will fail at the very end because a shared library hasn't been installed yet. Run: {{{ sudo make install rm elisp/domtool-tables.el make sudo make install }}} * To make everyone's Emacs autoload domtool-mode by default, put this in `/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/default.el`: {{{ (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/domtool-mode") (require 'domtool-mode-startup) }}} * Add a local `domtool` user: {{{ sudo useradd -d /afs/ -s /bin/false domtool }}} * Make Domtool's scratch directory: {{{ sudo mkdir /var/domtool sudo chown domtool.domtool /var/domtool }}} * Create subdirectories of `/var/domtool` in the same way, depending on which services this slave will be managing. If this slave manages BIND, create `/var/domtool/zones`. If this slave manages Apache, create `/var/domtool/vhosts` and `/var/domtool/apache2_logs`. * If this slave manages BIND, make sure a UNIX group `bind_config` exists, as Domtool will try to `chgrp` all relevant configuration to that group. It doesn't really matter which users belong to the group, as these actions are performed as root. If the group doesn't exist, you can create it with: {{{ sudo groupadd bind_config }}} * Create Domtool's log file and set the right permissions on it: {{{ sudo touch /var/log/domtool.log sudo chown domtool.domtool /var/log/domtool.log }}} * Create an SSL certificate and key to stand for the new machine's Domtool server. Where `$HOST` is the default hostname the machine gives for itself, run this on deleuze. When prompted for field values, only enter a common name (`$HOST`) and e-mail address (``). {{{ openssl genrsa -out serverkey.pem openssl req -new -key serverkey.pem -out newreq.pem -days 365 cat newreq.pem serverkey.pem > new.pem openssl ca -config /etc/domtool/openssl.cnf -policy policy_anything -out servercert.pem -infiles new.pem }}} * Copy the certificate and key into the right places: {{{ mkdir ~domtool/keys/$HOST cp serverkey.pem ~domtool/keys/$HOST/key.pem cp servercert.pem ~domtool/certs/$HOST.pem }}} * Try starting the slave server: {{{ sudo /etc/init.d/domtool-slave start }}}