Modules: Bind

BIND configuration directives are written to dns files in the $DOMTOOL/nodes directories of the appropriate nodes/domains. These dns files contain all of the contents of a BIND zonefile, with the exception of the SOA record. This is handled by main DomTool code and written in a stylized form to soa files. The BIND plugin registers a change handler looking for modifications to either dns or soa files. When any are found, /var/domtool/zones/$ is regenerated from them.

The BIND plugin also produces a named.conf file for each domain. A change handler notes when some named.conf has changed, and a post-handler concatenates all named.conf files in $DOMTOOL/nodes/$NODE into /var/domtool/named.conf.local and runs domtool-publish bind, which rsyncs /var/domtool/zones to /etc/bind/zones, copies /var/domtool/named.conf.local to /etc/bind/, and runs /etc/init.d/bind9 reload.