Article 3. Board of Directors

Section 301. The board of directors shall consist of five members, divided into three classes. Classes 1 and 2 shall consist of two directors each, serving terms of two years, with each class elected on alternate years. Class 3 shall consist of a single director serving for a term of one year, elected annually.

Section 302. Board elections shall be held annually. Only members in good standing may run as candidates in board elections. Each member may vote for up to three candidates, plus an additional vote for each seat, if any, which had been vacant for the 30 days preceding the election and whose natural term was not scheduled to expire at the regular election. The two candidates receiving the most votes shall serve in the board in Class 1 or 2, whichever term is expiring that year, and the candidate receiving the third most votes shall serve sitting in Class 3. Additional seats, if any, which had been vacant for 30 days preceding the election shall be filled by the next ranked runners-up. In case of ties, run-off elections shall be held with each member casting up to one vote per each of the candidates whose votes are tied.

Section 302-a. For the election in 2008 only, members may vote for up to five candidates, with the two candidates receiving the most votes serving in Class 1 for terms of two years, and the candidates receiving the third through the fifth most votes serving in Classes 2 and 3 for terms of one year. In case of ties, run-off elections shall be held with each member casting up to one vote per each of the candidates whose votes are tied.

Section 303. Boardmembers may voluntarily resign their positions at any time.

Section 304. Any boardmember may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the general membership at any time.

Section 305. Vacancies in the board shall not be filled with special elections unless the remaining term exceeds 30 days and the total number of directors remaining is less than a majority of the number of seats, in which case a special election shall be held as soon as practicable to fill all vacant seats. Each member may vote for up to a number of candidates equal to the number of vacancies. Candidates receiving the most votes shall take the respective vacant seats having the most remaining time in the term of that seat's class, and shall serve the remaining term of that seat as if taking the place of the previously vacating director.

Section 306. Boardmembers shall receive no compensation beyond reimbursement for expenses incurred in performing their duties.

Section 307. The board shall have regular meetings scheduled at least four times per year, and special meetings as often as necessary.

Section 308. The board shall vote to choose officers from the board of President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Individual boardmembers may serve multiple roles except no boardmember may be both Treasurer and Secretary.

Section 309. The President shall preside over all meetings and maintain order.

Section 310. The Treasurer shall handle the Corporation's financial matters, including preparing financial reports, writing checks, receiving member deposits and dues, and maintaining detailed financial records of the Corporation's business with members. The Treasurer shall submit a proposed budget in December for the following year, and shall be responsible for filing government tax forms.

Section 311. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the Corporation's records. The Secretary shall keep logs and minutes for all meetings, as well as copies of all official Corporate documents.