Register moin.fcg as a local service

We're now going to create a new service that automatically starts our moin.fcg after reboots.

  1. Download & install the MS Windows 2003 Resource Kit. (of course, you already have the Resource Kit installed, since you're using RoboCopy to back up your wiki, right?! See HelpOnInstalling/Win32MoinEasyBackup). We need two commands from the Resource Kit, srvany.exe and instsrv.exe. For convenience sake, you can optionally move these to some place more convenient (you'll have to navigate to them via the commandline).

  2. From the commandline (Start > Run... > type cmd), navigate to your Resource Kit folder and type the following to create a new service, which we'll name WikiFastCGIservice. You can use a different name, if you prefer.

    INSTSRV WikiFastCGIservice C:\Windows\system\srvany.exe
  3. Now we have just created the service, we have to configure it. Run regedit.exe (Start > Run... > type regedit):

    1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\, create a new key (right-click > New > Key) called WikiFastCGIservice.

    2. Under the WikiFastCGIservice you created above, create a new key (right-click > New > Key) named Parameters

    3. Within the Parameters key, create a new string value (right-click > New > String Value) named Application (key value will be listed as REG_SZ type). Double-click your value and specify the path of application:

    4. Within the Parameters key: perform the same steps above, this time creating an AppParameters value and specify a parameter:

    5. Within the Parameters key: perform the same steps above, this time creating an AppDirectory value and specify the current directory:

  4. Now configure it via the Services applet (Start > Settings > Control Panels > Administrative Tools > Services), such as automatic start.

You're finished!