Before proceeding with the AutomatedSystemInstall new nodes must be added to HCoop's infrastructure. == Network == After deciding on the host name through a poll of the members: 1. Allocate an addresses from the free list on IpAddresses (and update the page!) 1. Using the peer1 request portal, add a reverse dns mapping to the hostname * You cannot install the machine until the reverse dns mapping has been created; various services rely on the rdns mapping to behave correctly. 1. Add basic node information to DomTool config 1. Edit `/afs/` and add definition for `HOSTNAME_ip` 1. Edit `/afs/` to add a DNS entry for `$`, using `HOSTNAME_ip` 1. Apply DomTool configuration (run `DOMTOOL_USER=hcoop domtool`) 1. Synchronize DomTool library with source code git repository == Documentation == Add the machine to the [[Hardware]] page. KernelVirtualMachine``s go into a sub-section of their current physical node. Note any relevant information such as the resources available for the node, intended purpose, etc. Make sure the machine is listed on the [[IpAddresses]] page. After install, update the notes with any quirks of the install (ideally: none, but reality is a work in progress). == Add to Infrastructure == To control the node with DomTool minimally: * Add to `Config.nodeIps` * Add to `Config.Firewall.firewallNodes` If you are configuring the node for a specific purpose, you'll need to add it to more configuration. See the DomTool documentation where it exists. Prepare DomTool for deployment: [[DomTool/Installation]]. Enable mail routing by adding to exim configuration on the mail server (unless [[|Bug 939]] has been fixed, in which case update this documentation with the domtool managed procedure). In the exim config directory: * `update-exim4.conf.conf`: Add to `dc_other_hostnames` and `dc_relay_nets` * `conf.d/main/01_exim4-config_listmacrosdefs.conf`: Add to `unix_domains` * Run `update-exim4.conf` Add machine server key to Kerberos: * SetupNewMachines#ConfigureSSHServer * Sync keytabs in `create-user` * Create `WebNode` for portal ---- CategorySystemAdministration