## page was renamed from Meeting20071021 = Agenda Suggestions = == Reports == * President / Treasurer * Secretary * System Administrators * Status of required daemons / services (such as Mailman) / security etc. * Hardware status * Announcements and public comments == Business Items == * Do we need to make the new-user-creation-from-fyodor process simpler to avoid losing members (and their payment of negative balances)? * Whether or not HCoop should appoint a day-to-day volunteer operations manager, and what duties he might be charged with. * Whether or not a tiered sysadmin structure would be appropriate to reduce simple administrative workloads on primary system administrators. * Migration timeline * Clarify when to allow new members to join = Meeting Log = A log of this meeting is available [http://hcoop.net/board/meetings/meeting8-log.txt here].