= Meta =

Date: Sunday, November 18, 2007

Time: 19:00 UTC

Type: Admin-only

= Agenda =

== Joining HCoop procedure ==

Re-opening membership requires a few more fine-tunings of our social processes.  The following need to work, though they've not been tested  in a while:

 * Prospective members apply on the web.
 * A majority of board members approve their applications.
 * They get e-mails with instructions on what to do next.
 * Somehow their initial payments are processed, and these are fed as some inputs to the user creation section of the portal.
   * AdamChlipala writes: This could be tricky because I'm still treasurer, but I don't want to be running UNIX commands to create users anymore, though that would naturally be part of this process.  The portal also gives precise instructions on what to run on the main HCoop server, and these are out of date.

Once we figure this out, we can re-open membership.

== Other things ==

 * Go with [http://worldwidedns.net] for backup DNS?
 * When do we want to migrate DNS for domain {{{hcoop.net}}}?
   * MichaelOlson thinks we should do this after forced migration ends, to minimize the possibility of member uncertainty while migrating.