Domtool: Manage domain-specific DNS/email/web

To manage all aspects of the Internet domains that our members own, we use a software suite called Domtool that we developed and maintain. Domtool allows us to easily share services among our members and enforce standards of correctness and security on configuration provided by members. Domtool facilitates DNS, email, and web serving, provided that you have a domain.

You may perhaps be familiar with Domtool version 1, which was used on our old setup. What we currently use is Domtool version 2, which is a complete rewrite. The syntax for these files has changed dramatically, in favor of more uniform syntax and semantics. A major benefit to this new format is that you only have to edit one file per domain, rather than an entire directory.

Please consult the Domtool User Guide at this point, so you can get an idea of what Domtool configuration files look like. When you are ready to set up your domain, the Domtool examples page should prove helpful.