Recipes and Examples

While you can use kinit to obtain tokens, we will use k5start in all examples. K5start is equivalent or better to kinit for all purposes.

Example 1:

1. Create a script, ex:, in your ~/bin that is readable by USER.daemon.

k5start -t -U -f /etc/keytabs/user.daemon/USER -- COMMANDHERE

(Replace USER with your username and COMMANDHERE with the command you want to run)

2. Edit your crontab to call the script as ~/bin/

Creating the Directories Used in Examples

Create a directory that will contain your local executables and give USER.daemon read permission to it:

$ mkdir ~/bin/
$ fs sa ~/bin USER.daemon read

Make sure your ~/.bash_profile or equivalent file has ~/bin/ at the beginning of PATH, by enabling this within ~/.bash_profile:

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then

Create a directory that will contain PID files for all your user processes:

$ mkdir ~/.run
$ fs sa ~/.run system:anyuser rl
$ fs sa ~/.run USER.daemon write

Script to Run a Particular Service Within Pagsh

Please be sure to also check RunningUnattendedCommandsWithoutRunInPagsh.

Someone should write a better script that automates k5start and setting up an @reboot cron job instead of this -- ClintonEbadi 2013-07-13 10:11:39

A wrapper script that runs a user-specified daemon is provided on Mire as run-in-pagsh. When calling it, the first argument should be a unique name with no spaces that describes the daemon, and then provide the command line for calling that daemon afterwards. Be sure to follow the instructions in the previous section for creating a ~/.run directory with correct permissions.

Here is an example of calling this script:

run-in-pagsh interch ~/bin/interchange

If you want to run a command from cron then use the following instead. The --fg argument tells run-in-pagsh that the command will run in the foreground, rather than the background.

run-in-pagsh --fg clean-mail ~/scripts/clean-mail

For the curious, the run-in-pagsh script may be viewed here.

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