This is the chapter of the MemberManual that describes how to install and configure OpenAFS Client on ArchLinux. <> = Build OpenAFS package from AUR = OpenAFS is not part of the Arch core distribution, so you will want to fetch it from the AUR Get the ''Tarball''. Now we'll unpack the package, and tell it to download and compile OpenAFS. {{{ $ tar zxvf openafs.tar.gz $ cd openafs $ makepkg -s }}} After a considerable amount of time you will have a newly built openafs-*.tar.xz in the current directory. = Install and configure package = Now install the package you got. {{{ $ sudo pacman -U openafs-*.tar.xz }}} After the installation finished open up {{{/etc/krb5.conf}}}. Under the category {{{libdefaults}}} set {{{default_realm}}} to {{{HCOOP.NET}}}. Now login with your Hcoop username and password. {{{ $ kinit < give password > $ klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000 Default principal: USERNAME@HCOOP.NET Valid starting Expires Service principal 07/11/11 13:23:59 07/11/11 23:23:59 krbtgt/HCOOP.NET@HCOOP.NET renew until 07/12/11 13:24:38 }}} The {{{klist}}} commands shows you, that your login at the Hcoop Kerberos server was successful. You obtained a ticket granting ticket (krbtgt). Now configure and startup openafs. Go to {{{/etc/openafs/ThisCell}}} and change it to {{{}}}. {{{ # start OpenAFS $ sudo rc.d openafs start # get AFS tokens $ aklog # verify this worked $ klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000 Default principal: USERNAME@HCOOP.NET Valid starting Expires Service principal 07/11/11 13:23:59 07/11/11 23:23:59 krbtgt/HCOOP.NET@HCOOP.NET renew until 07/12/11 13:24:38 07/11/11 13:24:05 07/11/11 23:23:59 afs/ renew until 07/12/11 13:24:38 }}} Do an {{{ls -l /afs/}}} to verify that your good to go. If you want the OpenAFS daemon to start automatically on each reboot, add {{{openafs}}} to the {{{DAEMONS}}} line in {{{/etc/rc.conf}}}. ---- CategoryMemberManual