Running domtool

In order to activate or test a domain, you must run the domtool command. It can take a long time to run, like many minutes, so have patience.

Testing your configuration

Running the following command tests your configuration file (here called "MYDOMAIN") for errors. Make sure to give the full path to the configuration file, unless you are currently in the same directory as the configuration file.

domtool -tc ~/.domtool/MYDOMAIN

The "-tc" argument means "type-check".

It is highly recommended to store your domtool configuration in a different directory while you are testing it (for example, ~/.domtool-test). The reason for this is that admins sometimes need to regenerate all domtool configuration files, and if any of your files in ~/.domtool have errors, none of them will be published. Once you are done testing, copy the known-good configuration files to ~/.domtool.

Activating your configuration

In order to make your changes go live, you need to run domtool without the "-tc" argument, as follows.

domtool ~/.domtool/MYDOMAIN