
Owncloud Tips

At some point, this page may become a full-fledged guide. For now, it's a collection of tips to ease you through configuration that is unique to hcoop. If you are running an owncloud server and discover any of these, please add them in and date them.

Wrong User errors

2016-04-19: OwnCloud expects apache to be running under your user, so it sometimes checks for this and throws errors if the check fails. At hcoop, apache is running under your daemon, so the check will always fail. Therefore, we need to disable it. We do this by commenting out the code block below, which is at around line 65 of console.php, which is located in the top level install directory.

if ($user['name'] !== $configUser['name']) {
    echo "Console has to be executed with the user that owns the file config/config.php" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Current user: " . $user['name'] . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Owner of config.php: " . $configUser['name'] . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Try adding 'sudo -u " . $configUser['name'] . " ' to the beginning of the command (without the single quotes)" . PHP_EOL;  

Upgrade hangs/fails

2016-04-19: Before upgrading, by default ownCloud tests to see if the database upgrade will succeed. The test duplicates all your tables, does the upgrade on them, checks to see if the test upgrade succeeded, and then drops the duplicate tables. However, at hcoop your daemon does not have permission to drop tables, so the test will always fail, and ownCloud will never proceed with the upgrade. So you need to run the upgrade from the command line and specify not to run the test first. In the top level directory of your owncloud install, run php occ upgrade --skip-migration-test

MemberManual/WebApplications/ownCloud (last edited 2016-04-19 16:02:34 by c-71-192-154-186)