
First draft

To whom it may concern:

Our Internet hosting cooperative HCoop, Inc. is looking to colocate some servers. Could you give us a price quote on a package that would include all of the following? We are a registered non-profit corporation, so we'd love to hear about any discounts that you extend to non-profits.

We're interested in owning the servers that we host, and we'd also like some kind of hardware support contract, where as part of the package you would fix/replace hardware that failed. We're open to the possibility of buying the hardware through you to make this more feasible. Also, we're flexible on many of the details of our plans, so suggestions based on what you've known to work well in your environment are much appreciated.



HCoop, Inc. Representative

Potential Hosts to Contact

Research Triangle Park NC

Migration2009/ProspectiveHostsQuoteRequest (last edited 2009-09-06 21:06:56 by ClintonEbadi)