`gibran.hcoop.net` is virtual machine at digital ocean that will become our primary afs server It is named after the author Kahlil Gibran == Setup Notes == Or: things that need to go into Puppet * set domain name to hcoop.net manually * need to review setup... hostname = `gibran`, using `domain hcoop.net` in `resolv.conf`, and ` gibran.hcoop.net gibran` in `hosts` (similar setup to other hcoop servers), but ... maybe we should just be leaving `hosts` alone and putting the fqdn into `hostname` ? * original setup had "gibran.localdomain gibran" * removed `joe` (or at least `update-alternatives editor` to either vim or emacs...) * root has basic emacs config for puppet-mode and melpa (probably no need to formalize that...) * manually installed libnss-afs === todo === * default "cloud-config" system may be active, check license and remove if it is non-free * looks like it might just be https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit which would make it acceptable to keep in place == AFS Setup Notes == * Not sure we want to link /etc/openafs/CellServDB to /etc/openafs/server/CellServDB or not * downside: client ignores dns, upside: client works if dns is down * Left client CellServDB separate for the time being Questions * will openafs be smart enough find fileservers on private interfaces? * if not, local aliases in hosts? any way to achieve this? (private networking is unbilling, so ideally we will take advantage of it) * `vos listaddrs` showed private interfaces so seems like clients might be able to auto home?