ServerMcCarthy is our first Debian Jessie VM, and is intended to run mail services and the member portal.

1. The Ugly

ServerDeleuze decided to start dying one day so a few evils were committed in moving services.

1.1. Exim

Installed exim4-daemon-heavy procmail spf-tools-perl, merged deleuze's config onto the current Debian base exim4 config. No config package has been created. History is lost from deleuze at the moment (diff -ur ...).

Added /etc/ferm/service.d/...

1.1.1. Exim Notes


Things that need review in the config:

Misc Changes from Debian:

Major changes of note from deleuze:

2. Setup Issues


ServerMcCarthy (last edited 2015-05-13 04:42:41 by ClintonEbadi)