`navajos.hcoop.net` is a KVM providing general web services. == Quirks == Things that ought to be packaged or managed by domtool: * php config has been tweaked and not packaged (at least date, a few core php options, some suhosin) * A few local firewall rules and profile.d entries * local rule of note: allow http/https connections to the public IP of navajos (we already allow lo, and software like wordpress needs to GET resources from itself to work so ... no harm AFAICT). * NameVirtualHost and default vhost for apache * gitweb config customized / git-daemon enabled via `git-daemon-run`, need packaging (or move to afs / replace with something else) * Changed run script to include `--export-all` * Enabled a few optional cpu intensive features, since cpu intensive isn't really in this case * Cron job to run `hcoop-git-maint` * `/etc/cron.allow` is managed by hand instead of by DomTool, see https://bugzilla.hcoop.net/show_bug.cgi?id=911 ---- CategorySystemAdministration