Set Up New AFS Server

Ensure Hostname Resolves

Execute this command, and make sure it works. If it doesn't, the AFS server will fail cryptically and mysteriously.

dig +short `hostname`

Copy CellServDB, UserList, KeyFile, BosConfig, ThisCell

Copy the CellServDB, UserList, KeyFile, and BosConfig from an existing AFS server:

mkdir -p /etc/openafs/server/
scp /etc/openafs/server/
scp /etc/openafs/server/
chown root:wheel /etc/openafs/server/KeyFile
chmod o-r /etc/openafs/server/KeyFile
scp /etc/openafs/CellServDB
scp /etc/openafs/BosConfig

The AFS client and server (which can both be simultaneously installed on the same machine) keep their CellServDB's in different places, for historical reasons. We can simplify our setup by symlinking the server's to the client's (the reverse will not work due to restrictive permissions on /etc/openafs/server/):

mkdir -p /etc/openafs/server/
ln -sf /etc/openafs/CellServDB /etc/openafs/server/CellServDB
ln -sf /etc/openafs/ThisCell   /etc/openafs/server/ThisCell

Create /vicepa

The AFS server will store its files in /vicepa. So, you should create that directory, ensuring it resides on whatever storage (raid, etc) you want to use for AFS backing. Furthermore, you must let AFS know that it is safe to use it:

touch /vicepa/AlwaysAttach

Install Debian Packages

dpkg -i /afs/{fileserver,dbserver}*.deb