#format wiki #language en Tripwire is a tool that keeps a database of information about files on the server. It performs regular checks and reports about files that have been changed, deleted, created, or renamed. == Configuration `/etc/tripwire` == * `fyodor.hcoop.net-local.key` is a cryptographic key used to sign the database and reports * `site.key` is a cryptographic key used to sign the configuration and policy files * `tw.cfg` is a signed binary file that holds configuration information * `tw.pol` is a signed binary file that holds policy information * `twcfg.txt` is the text source of tw.cfg * `twpol.txt` is the text source of tw.pol == Data `/var/lib/tripwire` == * `fyodor.hcoop.net.twd` is the signed tripwire database, storing information about every monitored file * `reports/` holds the signed binary reports ---- CategorySystemAdministration