
1. Source

Source tracks the 4.2 branch using bazaar. Out of a desire to have a fully working bugzilla (graphs and whatnot are nice), all of the required and optional perl modules were installed using cpan under the source tree. This means it is most likely tied to running on navajos (or at least Debian Squeeze) without killing the local cpan cache and reinstalling.

2. Old Install

BugZilla 3.x lives in /afs/hcoop.net/common/app/bugzilla/

3. Configuration

Edit /afs/hcoop.net/common/app/bugzilla/app/localconfig and commit any changes using git --git-dir=/afs/hcoop.net/common/app/bugzilla/git commit


WebServicesAdmin/BugZilla (last edited 2013-01-24 07:47:33 by ClintonEbadi)