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The following 669 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
about   abstract   abstraction   acm   Action   action   Actions   actions   actual   actually   add   added   adding   addition   additional   admin   advantage   after   After   afterward   again   agnostic   all   All   allow   allowed   already   also   an   and   answer   any   Any   Apache   appears   application   applications   applied   applies   appropriate   arbitrarily   arbitrary   architecture   Architecture   are   arg   argument   arguments   around   as   As   ascribes   ascribing   aspect   aspects   associated   at   available   back   backgrounds   base   based   be   been   Before   before   begins   best   better   between   binary   bits   blume   boolean   breaks   Build   build   Building   building   built   But   but   By   by   calculus   call   Call   callback   callbacks   called   calling   can   care   certain   cfg   cfm   cfs   change   changes   check   checking   checks   choose   citation   clean   cleaner   clear   cm   code   Code   com   coming   common   communities   compilation   compiler   compilers   component   concatenated   concatenation   config   Config   configuration   Configuration   configure   connection   conscript   container   containers   Containers   contents   Contents   convenience   convention   converting   converts   conveyed   core   correspond   counts   cover   csg   current   custom   deciding   decisions   declaration   declarations   Declared   declared   Default   default   defaults   Defaults   defined   defines   definition   definitions   delete   dependency   depending   described   describes   detailed   determine   development   different   directive   directory   disallow   distinct   distributed   documentation   documents   doesn   Dom   domain   Domain   domains   Domtool   domtool   domtool2   drive   driven   during   each   edu   effect   either   embedded   embodied   enables   encapsulate   encountered   entities   entity   Env   environment   Environment   etc   Eval   evaluated   even   events   ever   every   Every   everything   example   executes   explains   explanation   expression   Extern   extern   Externs   extracting   familiar   family   fashion   favorite   features   File   file   files   filtering   finally   find   first   fixed   floating   Fn   following   For   for   form   formal   found   from   function   Function   Functional   functional   functionality   functions   functor   further   general   generated   generating   giving   global   Global   goes   gone   grm   Guide   handler   Handler   handlers   handles   hardly   has   Haskell   haskell   have   having   he   heard   high   historical   hook   hooks   hope   how   html   http   id   idea   imperative   imperativity   implementation   implementations   implemented   important   impure   in   In   include   including   inconsistent   independent   information   Information   inheritance   initial   inlined   input   inputs   insert   installation   instead   interest   interface   interfaces   interpreter   into   involves   iomonad   is   Isn   it   It   its   itself   just   kind   known   lambda   Language   language   Languages   lately   later   leave   length   level   lex   Lex   lexer   library   like   list   lists   literally   lives   ll   Local   look   lot   Lr   Lton   main   maintaining   major   Makefile   many   mapping   may   meister   members   methods   might   ml   mlb   mlton   models   modest   module   modules   monad   monads   more   most   Most   mostly   much   must   My   mythical   name   Name   named   native   need   nested   never   new   newcomers   nlffi   nobody   node   nodes   nomaware   none   not   number   obtaining   occur   Of   of   often   on   One   one   only   opaquely   open   Open   openssl   opportunities   optimization   optimizing   option   or   order   org   other   our   out   outside   over   overall   Overview   page   papers   parameters   Parse   parser   part   particular   passed   paths   pdf   Pedia   penalties   per   perform   performance   piece   piecemeal   pieces   pipeline   place   places   pleasantly   Plugin   plugin   plugins   Plugins   point   portal   possibility   possible   possibly   Post   post   Pre   predicate   pristine   probably   process   processed   processes   program   programming   programs   provide   provides   pure   purely   quite   rather   re   reader   Readers   readily   reading   real   really   recommend   Reduce   reducing   reduction   refer   Reference   refinement   regen   regeneration   register   registered   registering   registers   regular   relative   rely   representations   request   Reset   responsible   resulting   revert   rules   run   running   runs   runtime   scope   scratch   script   second   sections   See   semantics   separate   served   session   set   setting   settings   shell   shipped   should   side   sig   signature   signatures   similar   similarly   simple   simplify   since   single   Slave   sml   so   some   source   sources   spartan   specific   src   stage   standalone   Standard   standard   statically   Statically   status   stream   structure   style   sub   subsections   such   summarize   supported   supporting   supports   surprised   syntactic   syntax   system   Table   take   takes   taking   technology   teeny   textual   than   that   That   The   the   their   Their   them   then   There   These   these   they   this   This   those   though   through   Thus   ties   times   tiny   to   today   together   tokens   tool   Tool   tools   top   total   transforming   treat   treated   tree   triggered   triggering   trouble   Ts   ttic   tweakable   two   Tycheck   type   typed   types   Types   typically   uchicago   understanding   undesirables   unimplemented   unlikely   until   up   use   used   user   User   users   uses   using   val   Vals   value   values   Values   var   variable   variables   various   very   vhost   vhosts   via   visible   visibly   visiting   want   way   ways   we   Webalizer   well   what   When   when   whenever   where   whether   which   while   why   Wiki   will   With   with   within   without   wonderful   work   world   worry   would   www   yacc   You   you   Your  

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DomTool / Implementation

This page describes the implementation of the DomTool language interpreter and other tools. Most members would probably be better served visiting DomTool/UserGuide.

1. Languages

DomTool is implemented mostly in Standard ML(SML), with teeny tiny bits of C and shell script. Standard ML is a statically typed functional programming language with much to recommend it, including a language standard (with formal semantics), one of the best open source optimizing compilers ever for any language, and open development models and communities associated with the major implementations (out of about 10 total language implementations floating around today).

But really, why choose a programming language that "nobody's ever heard of"? The answer is simple. With SML, you can program at a high level of abstraction without having to worry about performance penalties and other historical undesirables.

In the following sections, I'll often refer to SML modules by name, instead of giving source file paths. A module named Name will be defined in either domtool2/name.sml or domtool2/plugins/name.sml, depending on whether it's part of core DomTool or of a plugin. You'll also find signature NAME defined in domtool2/name.sig or domtool2/plugins/name.sig. I readily point the reader to the source code itself, and the signature files in particular, as the best sources of detailed documentation on the implementation. Readers coming from backgrounds outside of statically-typed functional programming may be pleasantly surprised at how well ML code documents itself!

Information about obtaining and building the DomTool tools is found on DomTool/Building.

2. Build process

MLton and SML/NJ take different inputs to drive their build processes. The main Makefile is responsible for building src/domtool.cm (the input to SML/NJ) and src/domtool-*.mlb (the tool-specific inputs to MLton) from src/sources and some other compiler-specific files. When adding a new source file to the system, include it in src/sources, not any of the generated files, and take care to insert it in dependency order relative to the sources already in the file.

A C library openssl_sml.so is built to provide a cleaner (but spartan) interface to the OpenSSL library. The Makefile uses the NLFFI tools shipped with MLton and SML/NJ to build compiler-specific SML interfaces to this library, and then compiler-agnostic code takes over and defines the visible OpenSSL structure based on the common interface supported by all NLFFI tools. Code specific to compiler $COMPILER lives in domtool2/openssl/$COMPILER.

3. Configuration

As is more and more the fashion lately, DomTool supports many tweakable configuration variables, and the particular settings of those variables are conveyed via program source code. In particular, the various pieces of the DomTool implementation look for configuration in different members of a Config module in an SML source file config.sml in the domtool2 base directory. When building the standalone tools with MLton, these configuration settings will be inlined into the places where they're used in the resulting binary, possibly triggering opportunities for further optimization. Isn't compilation technology wonderful?

Any particular installation of DomTool is unlikely to want to set custom values for all or even most of the available variables. Thus, the implementation takes modest advantage of SML's module system to allow inheritance of default settings via the open declaration, while maintaining the possibility for piecemeal setting of custom values.

DomTool involves a number of distinct plugins and sources of functionality, all of which have some configuration parameters. The implementation uses Makefile-driven concatenation of files following a certain convention to build the overall default configuration module from files associated with the separate plugins. In particular, in domtool2/configDefault, you will find a set of .cfg, .cfs, and .csg files. All the .cfs files are concatenated together to form the definition of the signature CONFIG, while .csg files are concatenated together to form supporting definitions of sub-signatures. The .cfg files are concatenated together to form the definition of a structure ConfigDefault ascribing opaquely to CONFIG. Your custom configuration structure Config also ascribes to CONFIG and may open ConfigDefault.

4. The language interpreter

The process of reading, checking, and running a DomTool source file goes like this:

  1. The lexer breaks the textual input into tokens. It's embodied by the DomtoolLexFn functor, built by ml-lex from domtool.lex.

  2. The parser converts the stream of tokens into an abstract syntax tree (AST). It's embodied by the DomtoolLrValsFn functor, built by ml-yacc from domtool.grm. The Parse module ties together the lexer and parser.

  3. The Tycheck module type-checks the AST.

  4. The Reduce module applies familiar lambda calculus-style reduction rules to simplify the AST as much as possible.

  5. For input files that request configuration rather than just add definitions, the Eval module executes the resulting configuration value.

Every piece of this pipeline is independent of the distributed configuration aspect of DomTool described on DomTool/ArchitectureOverview, though every stage after the parser provides hooks that can be used to conscript the language implementation for use in that and other applications.

One important hook of this kind in Tycheck is in the form of its members allowExterns and disallowExterns. Call the appropriate one of these functions to set whether or not extern type and extern val declarations should be allowed in the source file to check.

As DomTool/LanguageReference explains, all configuration takes place through the configuration monad, which has a lot in common with the Haskell IO monad. Haskell newcomers often have trouble understanding how the IO monad enables the use of imperative code within a pure functional language. My favorite explanation for this is that values in the IO monad are runtime representations of programs in an embedded imperative language, which you hope will be run by some entity outside the scope of the Haskell language. In the DomTool implementation, this idea appears quite literally. The Reduce module handles the "pure functional" aspects of the language semantics, reducing input programs into first-order imperative programs, in the form of configuration values. Eval is the component that actually runs the resulting configuration, like the mythical top-level IO-meister in Haskell.

5. Plugin architecture

DomTool provides a number of ways to request callbacks when certain events occur or when certain add-on features are used. Plugins work by calling these hook functions, typically many times per plugin. By convention, a plugin is a module defined in domtool2/src/plugins/ that registers some callbacks as a side-effect of its definition.

The following subsections summarize the hooks that are available for DomTool plugins. There are other hooks that are only of interest when using the DomTool language implementation in a different application.

5.1. Extern functions

Declared extern val functions can be implemented in two different ways. One hardly counts as implementation: you can leave them unimplemented and just treat them as purely syntactic entities, since some of the later callbacks that we'll cover are passed general DomTool ASTs as arguments. The second option is to register an extern function handler. Env.registerFunction is the hook for this.

5.2. Actions

Actions are the connection between functional DomTool programs and "real-world" configuration. Call Env.registerAction to register the actual code that should be run when an action is encountered during Eval, giving the action's name and a function for transforming an environment variable mapping and a list of argument ASTs into a new environment variable mapping. These are DomTool, not UNIX, environment variables.

There is a family of convenience functions Env.action_none, Env.action_one, etc., for registering actions taking argument lists of fixed length with known types. Values of type Env.arg are used to encapsulate methods for extracting native SML values from DomTool ASTs of known types.

5.3. Containers

Containers are actions that take actions as additional arguments, like domain and vhost. Their handlers are registered very similarly to other actions, with the addition that containers have associated callbacks that are run after all nested configuration has been processed. When a container is encountered during Eval, its action handler is run, then all of its nested configuration is evaluated, and finally the container's "afterward" callback is run. There are functions Env.container_none, Env.container_one, etc., that correspond to the convenience functions for regular actions.

5.4. Extern types

Types declared with extern type are treated as refinement types. That is, each should have an associated simple type to which an additional filtering predicate is applied. Env.type_one is the hook to register a new extern type by giving its name, an Env.arg for converting its values to native SML, and a boolean predicate for deciding which values of the base type are allowed in the new type. This predicate can be arbitrary SML code. It may rely on imperativity, but it should never be visibly inconsistent in its decisions within a single type-checking. For example, our use of the DomTool language for distributed configuration has extern type handlers that use imperativity to determine the current user, what domains he may configure, etc., but this information is set before type-checking begins and doesn't change until it's over.

5.5. Environment variable defaults

Call Defaults.registerDefault to provide a default value for an environment variable that should be set before type-checking begins. You must provide the variable's name, its type, and a (possibly impure) function for generating its initial expression value.

5.6. Reset handlers

When an admin runs domtool-admin regen, we need a way to revert to a pristine configuration where everything users have added is gone, before we build it all back up again from scratch. Domain.registerResetGlobal registers a function to perform this clean-up on global (i.e., AFS) configuration, while Domain.registerResetLocal registers a similar function to be run on each node before regeneration. For example, the Webalizer plugin uses registerResetGlobal to delete all Webalizer configuration files, and the Apache plugin uses registerResetLocal to clear the contents of /var/domtool/vhosts.

5.7. Before/after domains

Call Domain.registerBefore and Domain.registerAfter to register callbacks to be called before and after a domain directive's nested configuration is run.

5.8. File change handlers

Call Slave.registerFileHandler to register a callback to call whenever a file's status in $DOMTOOL/nodes changes. See DomTool/ArchitectureOverview for more information on when such callbacks would be triggered.

5.9. Pre/post-handlers

Call Slave.registerPreHandler and Slave.registerPostHandler to register functions to be called before and after a DomTool configuration session, which might include arbitrarily many domains and source files.

DomTool/Implementation (last edited 2010-03-18 14:05:35 by AdamChlipala)