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able   Access   access   accessing   account   actual   Add   add   address   addresses   Administration   aliases   Aliases   allows   also   and   another   any   are   as   at   authenticate   basic   be   because   been   Before   below   both   boxes   by   called   can   Category   change   Changing   check   checking   commands   Complete   configuring   conserving   Contents   continue   continuing   contrast   convenience   correct   create   creating   custom   daemon   deal   delivery   describes   directories   directory   Dom   domain   domains   each   email   enter   even   example   extra   fail   files   find   for   forward   from   fsr   full   gets   give   giving   good   handy   has   have   hcoop   he   home   how   https   if   If   important   in   In   indicates   initialized   instead   interface   Introduction   invoked   is   it   It   like   list   ll   log   mail   mailbox   mailboxes   Maildir   maildirmake   manage   Manual   mapping   may   Member   members   message   much   multiple   name   need   net   new   normal   not   Note   note   now   Of   of   on   one   only   or   other   page   passwd   password   pathname   People   permission   permissions   person   please   point   preferable   Print   privileges   program   prompted   read   receive   relative   remains   Remove   replace   Reset   resolved   resources   restricted   rm   rule   same   Send   server   services   set   setacl   should   situation   some   someone   store   stored   such   Table   terms   test   that   The   the   their   then   They   they   this   This   to   To   Tool   try   type   use   used   user   username   usernames   users   using   valid   vanity   verify   very   Virtual   virtual   vmail   way   We   web   webmail   where   which   will   with   working   write   yet   You   you   your  

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MemberManual / Email / VirtualMail

This page describes how to use virtual mailboxes.


Virtual mailboxes are a good way to give someone a "vanity address" on one of your domains, where they can receive and check email. You may create virtual e-mail boxes for any domains for which you have write permission in DomTool.

Before continuing, please note that DomTool allows you to create aliases that forward mail from one address to another. Aliases are much preferable to extra mailboxes, both in terms of conserving server resources and convenience for you, as you can continue checking one mail account even if multiple aliases point to it. The basic rule is: If you are creating a virtual mailbox that only you will read, or if you are creating multiple virtual mailboxes to be read by the same other person, then you should be using aliases instead.

It is also very important that your "daemon" user gets write privileges on the directory that is used to store mail for each vmail username.

Complete example

To be able to receive email for the new virtual user, you need to create their Maildir directory, set the correct permissions on it, and then create the actual virtual mailbox.

In the working example below, replace $USER with your username, $VUSER with virtual user name, $DOMAIN with your domain, and $MAILDIR with the directory where the virtual user's email is to be stored. Note that a relative pathname in $MAILDIR will be resolved by vmail relative your home directory.

maildirmake $MAILDIR
fsr setacl $MAILDIR $USER.daemon write
# Enter a password as prompted.
vmail $DOMAIN list
# You will see that the new account shows up.


We use a custom program called vmail to manage delivery to virtual mailboxes. It may be invoked with vmail $DOMAIN $COMMAND, which indicates that you are configuring the virtual mailboxes for domain $DOMAIN for which you have DomTool permissions. The valid commands are:


People with virtual mailboxes may use the normal services for accessing their email, such as SSL IMAP and POP, and https://webmail.hcoop.net.They authenticate giving their full e-mail addresses as usernames, in contrast to the situation for normal UNIX users.

Note: If you try to log in to the web interface this will fail because the mail directory has not been initialized yet. Send a test message to the new account, then verify that the $MAILDIR directory now has some files (not only directories!) using find $MAILDIR -type f, and then try to access the account from the web interface.

Changing password

People with virtual mailboxes may change their password using the handy web interface at https://members.hcoop.net/passwd.


MemberManual/Email/VirtualMail (last edited 2015-04-13 16:13:37 by ClintonEbadi)