
Initial scratch notes on getting kvm working on fritz. This will need to be integrated into SetupNewMachines and AdminArea after everything is working.

See for the gist of what ClintonEbadi is trying to do here, but s/OpenVZ/KVM via libvirt/g.

1. Test Setup Notes

Nothing in particular order since it's all quite fuzzy

1.1. Tasks

(./) = done, {o} = not done, {X} = gave up or died trying

1.2. Packages Config

Things not mentioned on SetupNewMachines that had to have their default debconf values changed.

1.3. Major Open issues

2. Debian Mirror

2.1. Side Effects

2.2. TODO

2.3. Config

As part of standardizing the config ... these should be put into hcoop-debarchiver-config and hcoop-dput-config

/etc/debarchiver.conf: see hopper, too long to include

/etc/cron.d/debarchiver: Unfortunately not quite working -- for some reasons this has to be done twice before Packages is updated (this happens with my local debarchiver so I ... have no idea)

# Regular cron jobs for the debarchiver package
# Run the archiver every five minutes.
*/5 * * * *     debian-archive  test -x /usr/bin/debarchiver && k5start -f /etc/keytabs/user.daemon/debian-archive -t -U -- debarchiver --autoscanall --addoverride | logger -t debarchiver -p


fqdn = local
method = local
incoming = /afs/
allow_unsigned_uploads = 1

3. Debian Based Package Config

Based on

Anything we can't use debconf for in the preseed, we should push using Debian packages. We already need a mirror for libnss-afs so we may as well take advantage of it?

Packages needing customization on all machines:

Packages that need customization if installed:


3.1. Setup Notes

4. Installer Preseeding;a=summary

Pretty useful, need to document more.

Installer command line: auto url=

Proof this is worth it (enter network info -> hot damn any afs user can login to the kvm)

CategorySystemAdministration CategoryWorkInProgress

FritzVirtualization (last edited 2012-03-25 10:41:43 by ClintonEbadi)