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Diff for "AndrewFileSystem"

Differences between revisions 2 and 4 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2007-01-12 12:04:10
Size: 975
Editor: 212
Revision 4 as of 2007-02-17 19:43:24
Size: 2226
Editor: AdamChlipala
Comment: Improving new user instructions
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 10: Line 10:
 * `/afs/hcoop.net/usr/USERNAME/home`, USERNAME's home directory  * `/afs/hcoop.net/usr/$USERNAME/home`, `$USERNAME`'s home directory
Line 23: Line 23:

= The kadmin shell =

Many Kerberos administration commands are run from a special shell. Enter it as root by running `sudo kadmin.local`.

= Creating a new user =

We follow the convention that Kerberos users for daemons are named `$DAEMON/$HOST`, where `$DAEMON` is the name of the daemon (for instance, the name of its `/etc/init.d` file) and `$HOST` is the primary fully-qualified domain name for the host where the daemon runs.

To add the Kerberos principal for a daemon, run this in kadmin:{{{
addprinc -randkey -policy host $DAEMON/$HOST}}}

AFS users exist separately from Kerberos principals. To add the AFS user for a daemon to which you want to assign UID `$UID`, run:{{{
pts createuser -name $DAEMON.$HOST -id $UID}}}
Note the period, not slash, between `$DAEMON` and `$HOST`. The `-id $UID` can be omitted if you want a randomly-generated UID.

"keytab" files smooth the way to running daemons that run with AFS privileges. An access-protected local file contains a user's credentials, and daemons read these files on starting up in order to authenticate.

To create a keytab for a daemon, run this in kadmin:{{{
ktadd -k /etc/keytabs/$DAEMON.keytab -e "des3-hmac-sha1:normal rc4-hmac:normal" $DAEMON/$HOST}}}

Basic Architecture

Using the shared filesystem involves a combination of LDAP, Kerberos, and OpenAFS. DavorOcelic might fill in more information here. :-)

File conventions

The /afs tree contains shared filesystems. /afs/hcoop.net (symlinked from /afs/hcoop as well) is our piece of the AFS-o-sphere. Subdirectories include:

  • /afs/hcoop.net/usr, the home of home directories

  • /afs/hcoop.net/usr/$USERNAME/home, $USERNAME's home directory

  • /afs/hcoop.net/common/etc, the home of non-platform-specific fun stuff like DomTool

Connecting to AFS from an HCoop server

I found this handy summary of the commands that must be run:

On our servers, it seems sufficient to run:

AndrewFileSystem (last edited 2018-11-15 03:45:21 by ClintonEbadi)