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This page describes the procedure for accessing and using our off-site backups. Only admins can do this -- if you want to get some file or directory back from the dead and are not an admin, please contact the hcoop-sysadmin list for assistance.

1. Mounting the backup volume

1.1. Getting access

ssh FOO_admin@deleuze.hcoop.net

aklog -c megacz.com

cd /afs/megacz.com/hcoop-backup/


1.3. Restoring the volume dump to a volume with a new name

cat $VOLNAME.dump.bz2.aescrypt | \
  ccrypt -cdk /etc/backup-encryption-key | \
  bunzip2 | \
  vos restore deleuze /vicepa $VOLNAME.restored

1.4. Mounting the newly restored volume onto the filesystem

fs mkm /afs/hcoop.net/.../tmp-mount $VOLNAME.restored

2. Restoring a particular file

# examine /afs/hcoop.net/.../tmp-mount

3. Unmounting the restored volume

fs rm /afs/hcoop.net/.../tmp-mount

4. Renaming the restored volume so it takes the place of the damaged/corrupted/erased volume

Do this if you want to restore an entire volume. This deletes the old volume and replaces it with the backup.

vos remove $VOLNAME
vos rename $VOLNAME.restored $VOLNAME

5. Removing the restored volume

If you only wanted to restore a few files from the volume, you should remove the local copy of the backup volume when done.

vos remove $VOLNAME.restored