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This page describes the procedure for accessing and using our off-site backups.

1. Mounting the backup volume

1.1. Getting access

ssh FOO_admin@deleuze.hcoop.net

aklog -c megacz.com

cd /afs/megacz.com/hcoop-backup/


1.3. Creating a local copy

cat $VOLNAME.dump.bz2.aescrypt | \
  ccrypt -cdk /etc/backup-encryption-key | \
  bunzip2 | \
  vos restore deleuze /vicepa $VOLNAME.restored

1.4. Mounting the local copy onto the filesystem

fs mkm /afs/hcoop.net/.../tmp-mount $VOLNAME.restored

2. Restoring a particular file

# examine /afs/hcoop.net/.../tmp-mount

3. Unmounting the backup volume

fs rm /afs/hcoop.net/.../tmp-mount

4. Restoring an entire volume from backups

Do this if you want to restore an entire volume. This deletes the old volume and replaces it with the backup.

vos remove $VOLNAME
vos rename $VOLNAME.restored $VOLNAME

5. Removing the local copy of the back-up volume

If you only wanted to restore a few files from the volume, you should remove the local copy of the backup volume when done.

vos remove $VOLNAME.restored