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ClintonEbadi / JitsiMeet

Notes on setting up Jitsi Meet on a personal server. Main thing is to note what we'd need to do to get this set up on an hcoop server

1. Setup Script


Followed the script and got a working install.

Working config out of the box, if we accept having to run this on a dedicated server.

2. Puppet Module Notes


The puppet modules has a few rough edges that we should fix and contribute upstream.

2.1. Check for Staleness

2.2. Not sure if it's just me or not

2.3. Defects

3. Testing

Using https://meet.unknownlamer.org on my personal DigitalOcean account. With a 2CPU/2G RAM setup, a 4 person conference used around 4Mbps and 10% CPU.

3.1. Things to look out for

4. Security


Need to adapt to kerberos, will have to use SASL: https://prosody.im/doc/cyrus_sasl (we have saslauthd in place for exim, so should be straightforward)

There are some additional steps to auth against sasl:

lua-cyrussasl must be installed from buster-backports on Debian 10.

/etc/prosody/conf.avail/meet-test.hcoop.net.cfg.lua :

VirtualHost "meet-test.hcoop.net"
    -- enabled = false -- Remove this line to enable this host
    authentication = "cyrus"
    cyrus_application_name = "xmpp"
    --allow_unencrypted_plain_auth = true -- is this safe ? / it worked fine without it
    modules_enabled = {


pwcheck_method: saslauthd
mech_list: PLAIN

5. Open Questions

6. FSF setup

https://vcs.fsf.org/?p=jitsi-ansible.git review

6.1. Useful snippets

- name: custom css
    path: /usr/share/jitsi-meet/css/all.css
    line: ".header-text-description, .unsupported-desktop-browser__description {display:none!important}"

- name: fellow hacker
    path: /usr/share/jitsi-meet/interface_config.js
    regexp: "Fellow Jitster"
    replace: "Fellow Hacker"

- name: link
    path: /usr/share/jitsi-meet/interface_config.js
    regexp: "https://jitsi.org"
    replace: "https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/"

- name: hide logo
    path: /usr/share/jitsi-meet/interface_config.js
    regexp: "SHOW_WATERMARK_FOR_GUESTS: true,"
    replace: "SHOW_WATERMARK_FOR_GUESTS: false,"

- name: hide logo
    path: /usr/share/jitsi-meet/interface_config.js
    regexp: "SHOW_JITSI_WATERMARK: true,"
    replace: "SHOW_JITSI_WATERMARK: false,"

- name: copy watermark logo
    src: files/LPlogo.png
    dest: /usr/share/jitsi-meet/images/watermark.png
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0444
  when: j.stat.exists

6.2. Custom index


We'll want to customize the css at least to match our usual color schema and insert the hcoop logo, and something like the blurb about the coop we include on git.hcoop.net

Also, do we want to add librejs info? Not sure what the licensing on the youtube stuff is...

7. Config changes

7.1. Performance

Recommends disabling currently speaking dot to lower client and server cpu use (fsf does this, I left it on in my testing instance): the detection apparently uses quite a bit of CPU.

Further suggested tweaks to reduce client cpu use:

disableAudioLevels: true


7.2. /etc/jitsi/meet/meet.hcoop.net-config.js

Update: yes, enableLayerSuspension: true is essential, it's not clear why it is not enabled by default at all.

7.3. /usr/share/jitsi-meet/interface_config.js

7.4. /usr/share/jitsi-meet/logging_config.js

Make sure we don't log more than the bare minimum.

7.5. /etc/jitsi/videobridge/config

7.6. /etc/jitsi/jicofo/config

8. Add-Ons / Etc

9. Possible Alternatives

ClintonEbadi/JitsiMeet (last edited 2021-02-09 04:31:24 by ClintonEbadi)