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I am Clinton Ebadi.

1. 2009 Board Election

1.1. Hardware

We should take stock of our current hardware, get hopper online soon, and see if it is worthwhile getting xanadu online for shell access.

1.2. Financial

Right now our financial situation is untenable; we have 134 members with base expenses of over $750 per month and are only able to operate because of members with multiple pledges. The active members of the coop should attempt to get a friend or two to join, and we should address any issues that would prevent someone familiar with UNIX from joining.

A goal of expanding membership to around 300 by next year seems reasonable given the hardware we own, and would put us in a position to explore things like having a part-time paid sysadmin and expanding a bit more aggressively next year.

1.3. System Administration

The main volunteer system administrator pool should be expanded from three to four in order to replace mwolson and remove some task burden from docelic. If no one else wishes to volunteer, I should be able to assist, but it has been quite a while since I've done any system adminstration for anything other than my personal machine.

Setting up a firewall and user limits similar to what we used on fyodor is essential to expanding beyond our current membership; right now we have resources to spare and ports a plenty, but I suspect that with 300 or so members we'll be close enough to our hardware limits on at least mire that we'll need to prevent the occasional runaway process from interrupting service for other users.

2. Contact

3. Websites

4. Something Else

I a bicycling and beer brewing bearded man who espouses a philosophy of personal freedom harmonizing with its contrary the needs of society. I hack Lisp and Scheme (mostly Common Lisp nowadays) and read strange old philosophy books for fun.
