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Diff for "Code"

Differences between revisions 7 and 8
Revision 7 as of 2011-04-22 23:13:22
Size: 2674
Editor: ClintonEbadi
Revision 8 as of 2011-04-22 23:47:50
Size: 85
Editor: 50
Comment: yMOS4V <a href="http://dqfibjcvxnpb.com/">dqfibjcvxnpb</a>
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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This page document HCoop's code, where it is, how to access through a VCS and how to update live copies.


Repo locations:

 * CVS is at sourceforge: http://hcoop.cvs.sourceforge.net/
 * git is at hcoop's git: http://git.hcoop.net

== git repos, and CVS->GIT conversion status ==
See git repos at http://git.hcoop.net/ . Repos converted previously and not yet up to date are in `OLD/`. Everything you see that is not in `OLD` is "active". The repos were converted using of the form `git-cvsimport -d:pserver:anonymous@hcoop.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ohcoop -C dbtool-git/ -v -i dbtool -A $PWD/cvs-author-conv-file`.

The repos you see in gitweb are "live", that is, they are symlinks to the `.git` directories in the live locations. Note: the gitweb update script will fail (and cause all hcoop's repos to not work) if you link to a `.git` directory not in AFS (it uses `fs la` to check for read permissions).

After a CVS repo is migrated, the `CVS` directories will be moved to `CVS_old` to prevent accidental usage.

||debian/*.git || local debian package sources. NOTE: may not be up to date or used anymore. ||
||config/*.git || Various daemon configurations. NOTE: this may not be up to date ||
||service/*.git|| Runit service info. NOTE: this may not be up to date. ||
||gitweb.git || gitweb, `/var/local/lib/gitweb/.git/` is linked to this directory ||
||portal.git || portal, linked to `~hcoop/portal/.git/` ||
||scripts.git || scripts, linked to `/afs/hcoop.net/common/etc/scripts/.git/` ||
||domtool.git || old domtool, no longer used. Has no "live" location. ||
||domtool2.git || current domtool. Has no "live" location right now ||
||fwtool.git || fwtool(?). Has no "live" location right now. ||
||OLD/*.git || oblesete git repos, most of these have been superseded with newer repos. ||

To Do: a script to mail admins@ when uncommitted changes are found.

== Domtool ==

 * CVS, `/domtool/`
 * lives in various admin user directories only.

== Portal ==

 * in git, see above.
 * See [[DaemonAdmin/Portal]] for more information on this

== Local Debian packages ==

 * Located in `/aft/hcoop.net/common/debian/PACKAGENAME/UPSTREAM_VERSION/`.
 * All under GIT control, see `hcoop/debian/*`
 * FIXME needs updating.

== Runit services ==

 * git accessible at: `hcoop/service/*`
 * Live copies in git under /etc/service/*, but they are not linked.

= TODO =

 * Move repositories to a location in `/afs/hcoop.net/common`
 * Synchronize repositories to SourceForge
yMOS4V <a href="http://dqfibjcvxnpb.com/">dqfibjcvxnpb</a>
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CategorySystemAdministration CategorySystemAdministration CategoryHomepage

Code (last edited 2012-09-03 08:43:51 by ClintonEbadi)