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Revision 7 as of 2013-01-06 21:35:59

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DaemonAdmin / Bind

1. New Nameserver

When adding a new nameserver to hcoop.net, or changing the values of ns[12].hcoop.net update the glue records at our registrar. Otherwise, hcoop.net may stop resolving.

2. Config

For Debian Squeeze, we're using the stock bind9 configuration. You'll need to open up a firewall port to serve dns.

3. Filesystem layout

On both deleuze and mire, BIND data lives in /etc/bind. This directory is seeded with the default files from the Debian bind9 package. Additionally, we add a zones subdirectory.

DomTool periodically deposits /etc/bind/named.conf.local, listing all of our hosted DNS zones and their master/slave statuses and configuration. DomTool also populates /etc/bind/zones with zonefiles referenced by /etc/bind/named.conf.local on any master servers.

4. Permissions

/etc/bind/zones should be owned by user bind, since BIND seems to like creating temporary files there. I've only yet seen this matter during updating of slave zone information.
