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Revision 6 as of 2020-08-23 22:15:32


DaemonAdmin / EJabberD

1. Daemon

We use ejabberd

2. Installation

Installation is handled by Puppet class hcoop::service::xmpp::ejabberd. It will automatically use the HCoop TLS certificate, set up krb5 authentication, and open the needed firewall ports.

3. Additional Config

A few things are not managed by Puppet.

3.1. DNS Records

We need several DNS records for XMPP servers, stored in the hcoop.net domtool configuration.

3.2. Static files in hcoop.net/.well-known

XEP-0156: Discovering Alternative XMPP Connection Methods (HTTP) requires two files to be accessible from https://hcoop.net:

These list BOSH and WebSocket endpoints and may need to be adjusted when adding/removing ejabberd servers.

4. Old content

Might be relevant in the future -- we have a single server setup at the moment, and are not managing the erlang cookie for example.

All nodes must have the same erlang cookie. When installing a new node replace the default Debian cookie with one copied from ~ejabberd/.erlang_cookie.
